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What To Do In The Garden This January | Top Garden Ideas

Now is the time to sit back and enjoy the garden with friends and family over the holiday season.  The abundance of flowers and summer colour and harvesting fruit and vegetables. Don't worry if you didn't have time to plant fresh herbs and lettuce.  There is still time now to pop to the garden centre, get some seedlings and pop them in.  I'm enjoying my basil and tomato plants that I only planted on the 23rd December. Here are my essential top 3 garden ideas for January...

Watering (the right way!)

If you are going to water the garden, make sure you do it right.  Deep infrequent watering develops a much better root system for your plants.  I recommend 1 - 2 buckets of water per plant every 5 - 7 days.  This is obviously dependent on the size of plant, but if you remember the size of the plastic container your plant came in, you want that volume of water x 2.  This should be delivered slowly at the base of the plant with a slow running hose (not the spray setting on your hose attachment) in the mid to late evening.

Keep On Top Of Your Weeds

Weeds compete for the small amounts of moisture in your soil, so do your plants a favour and make sure they are getting all the water at this time of year.  Keeping on top of the weeds is easier said than done, but if you can keep on top of them and just wander once a day pulling out the little ones, then your garden will thank you for it.

Plan Your Future Garden

If you are wanting to improve your garden, make it lower maintenance and more attractive for this new year, now is the perfect time to start that process.

Autumn is the perfect time to make changes in the garden as it is the longest time before the harsh summer, for the plants to get established, so now is the time to start thinking and planning for those changes.

Take a look at these fresh garden ideas for inspiration, then get in touch to chat more about making the perfect changes in your garden.


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